Source code for quat.ff.convert

#!/usr/bin/env python3
ffmpeg methods to convert, rescale, and center crop a given video
    This file is part of quat.
    quat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    quat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with quat. If not, see <>.

    Author: Steve Göring
import os
import sys
import argparse
import glob
import shutil

from quat.log import *

[docs]def check_ffmpeg(): """ checks if ffmpeg is installed in the system Returns ------- true if ffmpeg can be used, otherwise an Exception is thrown """ if shutil.which("ffmpeg") is None: raise Exception("ffmpeg not found") return True
def __run_multi_line_cmd(cmd): """ run a command that consists of several lines that are combined again Parameters ---------- cmd : str command to run, e.g. cmd="ls \n -la" will run "ls -la" TODO: move to utils/system? Returns ------- in case of error an error is thrown """ # remove multiple spaces in cmd cmd = " ".join(cmd.split()) ret = os.system(cmd) if ret != 0: raise Exception(f"error in running command {cmd}")
[docs]def crop_video(input_file, tmp_folder, ccheight=360): """ create a center cropped version of a video Parameters ---------- input_file : str input video file tmp_folder : str folder where center cropped version is store, this version gets "_cropped.mkv" as suffix ccheight : int default=360, height of the center crop Returns ------- filename and path of generated center cropped video """ check_ffmpeg() os.makedirs(tmp_folder, exist_ok=True) output_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))[0] + "_cropped.mkv" ) cmd = f""" ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel quiet -y -i {input_file} -filter:v crop=ccheight*in_w/in_h:ccheight -c:v ffvhuff -an {output_file} 2>/dev/null""" lInfo(f"crop video: {input_file} to {output_file}") __run_multi_line_cmd(cmd) return output_file
[docs]def rescale_video(input_file, tmp_folder, height=360): """ rescales a given video """ check_ffmpeg() os.makedirs(tmp_folder, exist_ok=True) output_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))[0] + "_rescaled.mkv" ) cmd = f""" ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel quiet -y -i {input_file} -filter:v scale=-2:{height} -c:v ffvhuff -an {output_file} 2>/dev/null""" lInfo(f"rescale video: {input_file} to {output_file}") __run_multi_line_cmd(cmd) return output_file
[docs]def convert_to_avpvs( input_file, tmp_folder, framerate="60/1", width=3840, height=-2, pix_fmt="yuv422p10le" ): """ converts a video to a unified resolution, framerate and pixel format, can be used, e.g. in case of a full reference model, to unify a distorted video with the source video Parameters ---------- input_file : str input video file tmp_folder : str folder where converted video is stored framerate : str framerate of final video width : int width of final video height : int height of final video, use -2 to automatically determine height based on width pix_fmt : str pixel format of final video Returns ------- filename and path of the converted video """ check_ffmpeg() os.makedirs(tmp_folder, exist_ok=True) output_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))[0] + ".mkv" ) cmd = f""" ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel quiet -y -i {input_file} -filter:v scale={width}:{height},fps={framerate},setsar=1/1 -c:v ffvhuff -an -pix_fmt {target_pix_fmt} {output_file} 2>/dev/null""" lInfo(f"convert to avpvs: {input_file} to {output_file}") __run_multi_line_cmd(cmd) return output_file
[docs]def convert_to_avpvs_and_crop( input_file, tmp_folder, framerate="60/1", width=3840, height=-2, pix_fmt="yuv422p10le", ccheight=360, ): """ converts a video to a unified resolution, framerate and pixel format and performs afterwards a center cropping can be used, e.g. in case of a full reference model, to unify a distorted video with the source video Parameters ---------- input_file : str input video file tmp_folder : str folder where converted video is stored framerate : str framerate of final video width : int width of final video height : int height of final video, use -2 to automatically determine height based on width pix_fmt : str pixel format of final video ccheight : int center crop height of final crop Returns ------- filename and path of the converted and center cropped video """ check_ffmpeg() lInfo( f"avpvs + cropping generation with: {width}x{height}@{framerate}-{pix_fmt} using ccheight:{ccheight}" ) os.makedirs(tmp_folder, exist_ok=True) output_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))[0] + ".mkv" ) cmd = f""" ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel quiet -threads 4 -y -i {input_file} -filter:v scale={width}:{height},fps={framerate},setsar=1/1 -an -pix_fmt {pix_fmt} -strict -1 -f yuv4mpegpipe pipe: | ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel quiet -threads 4 -y -f yuv4mpegpipe -i pipe: -filter:v crop={ccheight}*in_w/in_h:{ccheight} -c:v ffvhuff -an {output_file} 2>/dev/null""" lInfo(f"convert to cropped-avpvs: {input_file} to {output_file}") __run_multi_line_cmd(cmd) return output_file