Source code for quat.ff.encoder

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Collected python methods for building up automated ffmpeg commands
    This file is part of quat.
    quat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    quat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with quat. If not, see <>.

    Author: Steve Göring
import os
import shutil
import json

from quat.log import *
from quat.utils.system import shell_call

# some general defined exceptions
[docs]class MissingCodecImplementationException(Exception): pass
[docs]class FFmpegMissingError(Exception): pass
[docs]class FFprobeMissingException(Exception): pass
[docs]class NoValidVideoFileException(Exception): pass
# TODO: are these exceptions required?
[docs]def generic_two_pass( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, codecsettings, ): """ a general two pass command building, e.g. for vp9 and h264 usable """ first_pass = ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings="-pass 1 -passlogfile {} ".format(logfile) + codecsettings, bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) second_pass = ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings="-pass 2 -passlogfile {} ".format(logfile) + codecsettings, bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) return first_pass + " && " + second_pass
[docs]def h264_encoding( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, passes, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, ): """ h264 encoding """ codecsettings = "-preset slow -c:v h264 -profile:v {profile}".format( profile=profile ) if passes == 1: return ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings=codecsettings, bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) return generic_two_pass( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, codecsettings, )
[docs]def hevc_encoding( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, passes, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, ): """ specific handling of hevc encoding settings """ codecsettings = "-preset slow -c:v hevc " # FIXME(stg7) + "-x265-params \"profile={}\"".format(profile) should force profile, but does not change profile if passes == 1: return ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings=codecsettings, bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) first_pass = ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings=codecsettings + '-x265-params "pass=1:stats={}"'.format(logfile), bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) second_pass = ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings=codecsettings + '-x265-params "pass=2:stats={}"'.format(logfile), bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) return first_pass + " && " + second_pass
[docs]def vp9_encoding( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, passes, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, ): """ generate settings for vp9 encoding """ """ -quality May be set to good, best, or realtime -speed This parameter has different meanings depending upon whether quality is set to good or realtime. Good valid values are 0-5, with 0 being the highest quality and 5 being the lowest. Realtime valid values are 0-15; lower numbers mean higher quality. """ codecsettings = "-quality good -speed 3 -c:v vp9 -profile:v {profile}".format( profile=profile ) if passes == 1: return ffmpeg_base_command.format( inputfile=inputfile, codecsettings=codecsettings, bitrate=bitrate, resolution=resolution, framerate=framerate, outputfilename=outputfilename, ) return generic_two_pass( inputfile, bitrate, resolution, framerate, outputfilename, profile, logfile, ffmpeg_base_command, codecsettings, )
[docs]def build_ffmpeg_command(pvs, output_dir): """ Creates strings out of PVS information for running a ffmpeg instances in a separate shell :param pvs: complete PVS (= dict) :return: return built string """ # Read metadata from files src_lst = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pvs["src"]))[0].split("-") if shutil.which("ffmpeg") is None: raise FFmpegMissingError( "you do not have ffmpeg installed, please find a creative way for getting it started." ) ffmpeg_base_command = [ "ffmpeg", "-hide_banner", # display less information when ffmpeg initialises "-loglevel error", # show only ffmpeg errors "-y", # auto overwrite if file exists "-i {inputfile}", # input video file name "{codecsettings}", # codec settings "-b:v {bitrate}k", # used video bitrate "-vf scale=-2:{resolution}", # rescale to specific resolution "-r {framerate}", # defined framerate "-an", # remove audio streams, replace with "-c:a copy" to copy it "{outputfilename}", # name of output file ] implemented_codecs = { "h264": h264_encoding, "hevc": hevc_encoding, "vp9": vp9_encoding, } required_codec = pvs["profile"][0] if required_codec not in implemented_codecs: raise MissingCodecImplementationException( "your selected codec {} is not implemented so far, add it or cry".format( required_codec ) ) basefilename = ( "-".join( map( str, [ src_lst[0], pvs["profile"][0], pvs["profile"][1], str(pvs["targetBitrate"]) + "kbps", str(pvs["fps"]) + "fps", pvs["resolution"] + "p", pvs["passes"], ], ) ) + ".mkv" ) # out filename + container type (e,g. `Beauty-h264-baseline-3750kbps-60fps-720p.mkv`) output_filename = output_dir + "/" + basefilename logfile = ( "./logs/" + output_filename.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "_") + "_log.log" ) ff_command = implemented_codecs[required_codec]( inputfile=pvs["src"], bitrate=pvs["targetBitrate"], resolution=pvs["resolution"], framerate=pvs["fps"], outputfilename=output_filename, profile=pvs["profile"][1], passes=pvs["passes"], logfile=logfile, ffmpeg_base_command=" ".join(ffmpeg_base_command), ) return ff_command
[docs]def build_commands_to_convert_to_4k_and_lossless( processes_video_dir, lossless_output_dir ): """ read all files in processes_video_dir and create commands to convert to 4k resolution and lossless codec TODO: check if still required """ # global settings for each lossless encoded sequence, # TODO(stg7) needs to be modified manually find a better way settings = { "pixel_format": "yuv422p10le", "infile": "infile", "scale": "-2:2160", "outputfile": "outputfile", "codec": "ffvhuff", } base_cmd = """ffmpeg -i "{infile}" -y -c:v {codec} -vf scale={scale} -pix_fmt {pixel_format} "{outputfile}" -pix_fmt {pixel_format}""" os.makedirs(lossless_output_dir, exist_ok=True) commands = [] for infile in utils.get_files(processes_video_dir): settings["infile"] = infile settings["outputfile"] = infile.replace( processes_video_dir, lossless_output_dir ) commands.append(base_cmd.format(**settings)) return commands
[docs]def analyze_video_file(filename): """ run ffprobe to get some information of a given video file TODO: check if still required """ if shutil.which("ffprobe") is None: raise FFprobeMissingException( "you need to have ffprobe installed, please read" ) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise NoValidVideoFileException("{} is not a valid file".format(filename)) cmd = "ffprobe -show_format -select_streams v:0 -show_streams -of json {filename} 2>/dev/null".format( filename=filename ) res = shell_call(cmd).strip() if len(res) == 0: raise Exception( "{} is somehow not valid, so ffprobe could not extract anything".format( filename ) ) res = json.loads(res) needed = { "pix_fmt": "unknown", "bits_per_raw_sample": "unknown", "width": "unknown", "height": "unknown", "avg_frame_rate": "unknown", } for stream in res["streams"]: for n in needed: if n in stream: needed[n] = stream[n] if n == "avg_frame_rate": # convert framerate to numeric integer value needed[n] = round(eval(needed[n])) needed["target_bitrate"] = res.get("format", {}).get("bit_rate", -1) needed["processed_video_sequence"] = os.path.basename(filename) return needed
if __name__ == "__main__": print("this is just a lib")