Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
General video helper
    This file is part of quat.
    quat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    quat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with quat. If not, see <>.

    Author: Steve Göring

import time

from skimage import img_as_uint
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from quat.log import *

[docs]def iterate_by_frame(video_filename, convert=True): """ iterator over all frames a video given by `video_filename`, if convert is true, than a conversion to uint will be performed Parameters ---------- video_filename : str filename of a video file convert : bool if true performs a 8 bit conversion of each frame Returns ------- interator for all video frames """ for frame in, verbosity=0): if convert: yield img_as_uint(frame) else: yield frame
[docs]def iterate_by_frame_two_videos(distortedvideo, referencevideo, convert=True): """ interates over a pair of videos (distortedvideo, referencevideo) and returns pairs of frames (dis_frame, ref_frame), if convert is true, uint conversion will be performed, Important, if videos don't have the same number of frames it will stop after min(frames(dis), frames(ref)) frames. """ dis_it = iterate_by_frame(distortedvideo, convert) ref_it = iterate_by_frame(referencevideo, convert) try: while True: x = next(dis_it) y = next(ref_it) yield (x, y) except Exception as e: pass return
[docs]def read_videos_frame_by_frame( distortedvideo, referencevideo, per_frame_function, per_frame_function_additional_params={}, debug=False, stepsize=15, ): """read two videos frame by frame, and perform a function with parameters on each pair of frames """ lInfo("handle : {} and {}".format(distortedvideo, referencevideo)) distortedvideo_it = iterate_by_frame(distortedvideo) referencevideo_it = iterate_by_frame(referencevideo) k = 0 results = [] last_x = None last_y = None try: while True: lInfo("frame: {}".format(k)) start_time = time.time() x = next(referencevideo_it) y = next(distortedvideo_it) per_frame_function_additional_params["distortedvideo"] = distortedvideo per_frame_function_additional_params["referencevideo"] = referencevideo if k % stepsize == 0: results.append( per_frame_function( x, y, last_x, last_y, **per_frame_function_additional_params ) ) k += 1 last_x = x last_y = y time_per_frame = time.time() - start_time lInfo("time per frame: {}".format(time_per_frame)) if debug and k == 2: break except StopIteration: lInfo("reached end") return results
[docs]def advanced_pooling(x, name, parts=3, stats=True, minimal=False): """ advanced_pooling temporal pooling method, """ if len(x) > 0 and type(x[0]) in [dict, list]: res = {} df = pd.DataFrame(x) for k in df.columns: res = dict( res, **advanced_pooling( df[k], name + "_" + str(k), parts=3, stats=stats, minimal=minimal ), ) return res values = np.array(x) # filter only not nans and not inf values values = values[~np.isnan(values)] values = values[np.isfinite(values)] if len(values) == 0: values = np.array([np.finfo(np.float32).max - 1]) last_value = values[-1] first_value = values[-1] _max = values.max() if values.max() != 0 else 1 """ values = values / _max """ res = { f"{name}_mean": float(values.mean()), f"{name}_std": float(values.std()), f"{name}_first_value": float(first_value), } if not minimal: res = dict( res, **{ f"{name}_last_value": float(last_value), f"{name}_max": float(_max), f"{name}_skew": float(scipy.stats.skew(values)), f"{name}_kurtosis": float(scipy.stats.kurtosis(values)), f"{name}_iqr": float(scipy.stats.iqr(values)), }, ) # split values in `parts` groups, and calculate mean, std groups = np.array_split(values, parts) for i in range(len(groups)): res[f"{name}_p{i}.mean"] = groups[i].mean() res[f"{name}_p{i}.std"] = groups[i].std() if stats: for i in range(11): quantile = round(0.1 * i, 1) res[f"{name}_{quantile}_quantil"] = float( np.percentile(values, 100 * quantile) ) return res
[docs]def calc_per_second_scores(per_frame_scores, segment_duration): """ converts per frame scores to per second scores, using mean values per second """ per_second_scores = [] sec_groups = np.array_split(per_frame_scores, np.ceil(segment_duration)) for sec in range(len(sec_groups)): per_second_scores.append(float(sec_groups[sec].mean())) return per_second_scores